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About Me

About Me

Annika Endres is Assistant Professor in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Special Education at the University of Education Ludwigsburg. She holds a PhD in Educational Science (Special Education) from University Koblenz-Landau (now: RPTU). Her research focuses primarily on families and young children with disabilities and/or developmental delays (from birth up to the age of six). Her research compasses areas such as augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), support systems for parents, pre-symbolic communication, and early education for sustainable development. She is particularly interested in participatory/action research with children with disabilities and their families. Besides her research, Annika Endres also has years of practical experience in early childhood support and schools. As a certified AAC-instructor specialised in Early Childhood Special Interventions, she has been offering workshops and trainings in AAC for parents and professionals since 2016.