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Welcome to Ludwigsburg University of Education

Ludwigsburg University of Education is the largest of the six universities of education in Baden-Württemberg, with around 6000 students and 470 employees. It was founded in 1962 and has been located on the Ludwigsburg campus since 1966.

The universities of education see themselves as "universities of educational sciences" and focus on education issues in research, studying and teaching, continuing education and transfer. Having the status of universities, they award both doctoral and post-doctoral degrees.

Study and Degree Programmes

Ludwigsburg University of Education is a modern campus university with a focus on all educational sciences in four interrelated areas:

  • school and teacher education,
  • child and youth education,
  • adult and continuing education
  • education in the context of culture and society.

A central focus of the university’s profile are the bachelor's and master's degree programmes for teaching training for elementary and lower secondary schools, for special needs and bilingual education (B.A./M.Ed.). In addition, Ludwigsburg University of Education offers a MSc in vocational education/engineering.

Via the Professional School of Education, which has been in existence since 2016, Ludwigsburg University of Education cooperates with universities and colleges in Stuttgart, especially in the master's degree programmes for teachers.

The bachelor's degree programmes in childhood education, educational science, cultural and media education represent a second focus and provide academic access to other central fields of education.

Five master's degree programmes qualify students for further education-related professional and research fields. Two part-time degree programmes offer academic training for management positions in the field of education, including an English-language, international degree programme.


At Ludwigsburg University of Education we conduct research into educational processes in all age groups and learning settings. In addition to a broad spectrum of issues related to the theory and practice of subject-teaching and educational science, current topics, like, for example, digitally supported learning, migration and learning, multilingualism, are the subject of research projects and are closely interlinked with teaching at the university. Students have the opportunity, for example in our Research Workshop for Educational Science (ForBi), to learn at an early stage how to conduct research and to familiarise themselves with various research methods.

Researchers are supported in their research projects by our Research Support Office, which is also responsible for providing assistance to young researchers. At the same time, the Joint Graduate Academy of all six universities of education is also placed at their disposal.

In addition, the joint EU Research Unit of the universities of education in Baden-Württemberg is based at Ludwigsburg University of Education.

The newly founded LIFT (Ludwigsburg Interdisciplinary Centre for Research and Transfer) pools researchers and research activities and promotes their cooperation while facilitating diverse methodological approaches.

Continuing Education

The Centre for Academic Continuing Education is an institution of adult education within the university and takes up research findings from the field of education and models them into application- and practice-oriented continuing education programmes. In this way, research insights and knowledge are transferred to course participants and their needs are then channeled back into the university. To this end, it offers a variety of attractive continuing education programmes for interested parties from all education-related professional groups (e.g. teachers, specialists and managers, also from business, culture and social services). These include part-time master's degree programmes, part-time study programmes, and educational and consultancy services on request.

The Center for Scientific Continuing Education works with public and private clients. It also organises occupational health management for the employees of the university.

International Affairs

Internationalisation is a strategic field of action at Ludwigsburg University of Education. Thus this field of action is anchored as a cross-sectional task in all university dimensions and is coordinated by the International Office. As an educational actor in an immigration society, internationalisation offers students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff the opportunity to participate in numerous international experiences and exchanges. In this regard, the core areas of (blended/virtual) mobility, diversity, social participation and sustainability are given special attention as part of our internationalisation strategy.

The International Office maintains good contacts with around 90 partner universities worldwide. This enables numerous students, teachers and staff to gain international experience within the framework of the mobility and support programmes both within Europe and beyond. At the same time, the International Office looks after more than 100 international exchange students and numerous international guests each year, including Fulbright professors. Special emphasis is placed on anchoring Internationalization@home through co-teaching, COIL (Collaborative International Online Learning) formats and our guest lecturer programme "Ludwigsburg International Classroom (LICs)". In line with the university’s internationalisation goals, LUE participates here in particular in projects that strengthen the international and European perspective of teacher education (e.g. within the framework of an EU-funded Teacher Academy).

In the context of long-standing strategic partnerships with international universities, research conferences are regularly held, which are catalysts for international research projects. The international research dimension is supported through support for young researchers, especially through cooperation in the doctoral phase.

With "International Education Management", the university offers an English-language master's programme on international educational leadership and opens up a wide range of international career opportunities.

Cultural Life at Ludwigsburg University of Education

Ludwigsburg University of Education is also a place of diverse campus life. Cultural highlights are firmly integrated into the university's calendar of events. There are various galleries on campus with changing exhibitions. Our Literature Café is the venue of readings, concerts, poetry slams and a host of other cultural events. Various (student) theatre groups invite you to participate or attend their performances. All students and employees are welcome to join the university choir and orchestra, as well as enjoy the diverse range of university sports on offer.

The Favoritepark adjacent to the campus provides a natural setting for creativity and relaxation. The baroque city of Ludwigsburg, with a population of around 95000, offers magnificent palaces as well as lively shopping streets, cinemas and a colourful pub scene.

Those who would also like to take advantage of what the nearby state capital has to offer can reach Stuttgart's city centre in just a few minutes by availing themselves of the local train service.