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About the program

“International Education Management (INEMA) - an extra-occupational, international Master's Program” is a joint program of the Department of International Educational Leadership and Management of the Ludwigsburg University of Education in Germany and the Helwan University in Egypt.

The purpose of the program is to develop and to provide managerial skills as well as competencies for cross-cultural challenges in education.

Funding partners are the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ). The program is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The international Master Program INEMA “International Education Management” started in 2010 at the Institute of Educational Leadership at the Ludwigsburg University of Education. It is an extra-occupational master study program based on a modern student-oriented teaching/learning design to meet the requirements of students balancing their job and learning needs and career perspectives. The program is shaped by the following main characteristics:

Reform & change qualification for education systems: The overall aim of INEMA is to qualify young professionals as experts in international education management. They are enabled to identify, initiate and guide necessary and sustainable reform processes in the education sector in an intercultural environment.

Internationality: Internationality and intense exchange across cultures are key pillars of the joint degree program of the Ludwigsburg University of Education and Helwan University, Cairo, in cooperation with DAAD, GIZ and ministries in Germany and Egypt. The program started as a German-Arab program, but was developed to now work beyond this scope. While students from the MENA region and from developing countries make up a significant portion of the participants, students and alumni come from around the globe. Alumni also are appointed across Europe, Africa, Asia and America. For the past years, the selection committee has strived to nominate a balanced mix of European, Arab and worldwide professionals into the program, so that everyone can learn and benefit from each other. Applications are accepted from candidates around the globe. The course will result in an international network of education management specialists.

Extra-occupational blended learning format: The program takes place in a blended learning format, giving optimal conditions for developing students’ professional action skills and deepen their theoretical competence. This means that students study mostly from their home country. While students come together during attendance phases in Ludwigsburg and Cairo, the times in between are filled with supported online learning phases. The program contains a wide share of self-organized learning, project work and individualized tasks. Being a scientific program, also qualifying for the third cycle (e.g.: Ph. D.) of the framework of qualifications for the European Higher Curriculum, contents and methods are adjusted to prepare students to develop and perform their own research on the base of current theoretical concepts.

Scientific and generic competences: Both, generic international management competencies for the education sector and well-founded scientific competency enable students to conceive, design, implement, and adapt a substantial process of research and to contribute through original research that extends the international frontiers of knowledge.

Creativeness, reforms, and transfer: Expertise shall be gained to reform education systems internationally. Therefore, INEMA both demands and delivers conceptual, procedural, and analytic thinking as well as creativeness when it comes to reforming and rebuilding of new and innovate changes in education systems. Decision-making is based on analysis, reasoning and development of complex education structures. Part of an essential and deepened knowledge of scientific work is the handling of statistical data material and evaluation of the findings of scientific studies. Generic knowledge and competencies in the fields of strategic management and the management of change processes and quality render possibilities to develop the education sectors. Transferable knowledge and applicable decision-making processes enable our students to perform research-based innovation in a cross-cultural context. Students are expected to be able to deal with the high demands concerning networked and cross-linked education systems.

Key future competencies: The program takes new and innovative aspects of management and science into consideration and focus, being meaningful in both national and international surroundings. INEMA enables students to take over responsibilities in international teams and projects and to transfer their knowledge and scientific backgrounds into practical problems. Key competencies for application and research are continually updated since they are having even more meaning in the future for the students’ ability to develop their skills continuously and self-directed in the sense of life-long, self-directed, and autonomous learning.

High demand for our students: INEMA thereby addresses students in the field of education systems, development cooperation and education institutions facing a substantial and growing demand on labor market and in governance and administration.

Structure of the program

Length of the program
The Master program is designed to take in between four and six semesters to complete. For ambitious students, the fast track makes it possible to complete the entire program within four semesters. The regular track consists of six semesters, leaving more time for academic writing, reflection and for completing online learning assignments and other tasks. The program consists of three semesters with attendance phases (semester 1, 2 and 3) and one or three semesters without attendance phases (semester 4 for the fast track, for regular track also semesters 5 and 6).

Phases of attendance
In each winter term, there are two attendance phases (10 days each), one at the University of Education Ludwigsburg in Germany and one at Helwan University in Cairo, Egypt.

Self-learning phase
There are self-learning phases that consist of autonomous studying, e.g. with module books, business simulation and case studies. Tasks and materials are provided through the MOVE online learning platform. Support from lecturers is available throughout all self-learning phases.

The program features professional coaching for personality development, project management and career guidance.

The program puts a strong focus on transfer of experiences. This is made possible through exchanges between students, interactive transfer sessions, best practice studies, internships and project work.


Dates of attendance phases (AP)

Please note: Classes usually run from 9am to 5:30pm. Students usually arrive on the day prior to the first day of an attendance phase.

CORONA CAVEAT: The planned regular attendance phases in Ludwigsburg will take place if there are NO CHANGES to the present COVID-19 regulations of the Ministry of Baden-Württemberg. The PH Ludwigsburg cannot take any responsibility for any short-term ministerial changes that may require us to return to online teaching.

2023 Intake (starts at the end of September 2023)

AP 1: 01.Oct.2023 - 8.Oct.2023 Ludwigsburg - on campus
AP 2: 27.Jan.2024 - 04.Feb.2024 Cairo - on campus
AP 3: 26.Apr.2024 - 03.May.2024 online
AP 4: 12.Jul.2024 - 19.Jul.2024 online
AP 5: 07.Oct.2024 - 13.Oct.2024 Ludwigsburg - on campus
AP 6: 02.Feb.2025 - 09.Feb.2025 Cairo - on campus

2024 Intake (starts at the end of September 2024)

AP 1: 07.Oct.2024 - 13.Oct.2023 Ludwigsburg - on campus
AP 2: 03.Feb.2025 - 10.Feb.2025 Cairo - on campus
AP 3: 09.May.2025 - 16.May.2025 online
AP 4: 11.Jul.2025 - 18.Jul.2025 online
AP 5: 06.Oct.2025 - 12.Oct.2025 Ludwigsburg - on campus
AP 6: 30.Jan.2026 - 07.Feb.2026 Cairo - on campus

Target group

The INEMA program is aimed towards those who are striving for formal and informal educational leadership positions, or those who are already in charge and wish to develop their skills. Students usually come to us from a range of positions within:

  • Schools and universities (teaching or administrative)

  • Inter-governmental organizations of international educational cooperation, such as UNESCO, World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO)

  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), such as Education for All

  • Ministries of Education


Tuition fees are € 2.200,- per semester.
Please take into consideration that both universities charge enrollment and administrative fees every semester.

The Ludwigsburg University of Education currently charges enrollment and administrative fees of approximately € 189,50. Fees are subject to change.
Enrollment and administrative fees are recalculated every semester. Please expect them to increase slightly (approximately 5 to 10 €) every semester.

The Helwan University currently charges students enrolled in the cohorts  of 2024 enrollment and administrative fees of € 100,- .

International flights, visa charges and accomodation costs are in addition to tuition and administrative fees, and are payable by students individually.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)